As soon as I arrived in 12-step recovery meetings, I found people dropping lots of cool quotes & phrase-ings.
These have been incredibly useful in my recovery journey, always popping into my head and guiding my better choices.
"If Im the biggest piece of crap in the world, it's still all about me"
"the greatest rewards come not so much from good rewards as from right living." "regret for the past and worry for tomorrow will give way to today" "the way I relate to them [old friends] plateaud" "in the 10+ years we never talked about our emotions or our struggles or our spirituality" "our disease is progressive, so our recovery has to be progressive too" "if you're unhappy with recovery we will fully refund your misery" :"Higher Power is like a microwave, you dont need to understand how it works to use it" "recovery is like driving on the highway, no matter how far you go, you're only 6 feet away from the ditch." "what is being sold as our liberation is actually our enslavement" "what is sold to us as freedom, may in fact, be our servitude." "we love you until you can love yourself [fellowship]" "there are 2 bottoms - the one youre sitting on and the one thats out there" "church is wherever you feel safe" "you will violate your standards quicker than you can lower them" "if I do something I say is good for me, but I cant stop doing it - is it really good for me?" "Im not anti-knowledge; Im pro-program" "the only thing an addict does in moderation is step work" "resentment is the express lane to relapse" "faith and fear cannot be in the same place" "no thats not a mistake; you havent learned from it" "I dont need a reason to act out; I need a reason to stay sober" "If Im not the problem, there is no solution" "I have a $1000 porn machine called a laptop" "at home youre driving by known acting locations with every room" "every relapse has 3 stages: anticipation, consumption, regret" "no one, to my knowledge, has ever shamed themselves into sobriety" "there is no time-zone in addiction." "what are the last 2 letters of shame?" "there's no last page on screens" "our addiction's diet is shame" "your greatest success is just one step past your fear" S.O.B.E.R. "sonova bitch, everythings real" F.E.A.R. "face everything and recover" "were not only our toughest critic but our easiest audience [can convince ourselves of anything]"