Here are some resources specific to SAA :)
(click to download .zip file)
While there are some very affordable chips from the official SAA store,
I wanted to have mine right away and also have fun making something for recovery.
these stylish chips will enrich your recovery
sure to grant serenity with accents of silk gold
on a vibrant red base!
This image is useful for doing digital chip presentations.
Can we get all the colors of the sobriety rainbow?
(Click for full size)
The circles worksheet is one of the most useful recovery tools in SAA. It helps us identify behaviors, actions, and resources that strengthen our sobriety.
The best worksheet is still here
from Houston SAA, but I wanted a color-coded option
since I had heard of it as a helpful traffic light visualization from my sponsor.
So I made these templates, and colored mine in with watercolors :)
As a sex addict, I have long been disconnected from my emotions.
I told fellows once, "I only have 2 emotions: sad and not-sad"
In recovery, I am beginning to learn, feel, and identify emotions.
This emotions color wheel may seem silly, but it has helped me a lot!